Because Addiction is a complex condition, it can be contradictory for pressure for recovery to solely fall on the person struggling with the Addiction. The reality, though, is that the lack of understanding about Addiction and Recovery is part of… Continue Reading →
If someone were shooting a video of his feet while he walked, the video would have captured his stride and cadence and pace and any viewer would have recognized the steps of an elderly man. The viewer would notice the… Continue Reading →
I’ve taught the diagram above in several different contexts. It illustrates the process of either developing or full-blown Addiction. The six steps are consistent with what I consider as the foundational “Three C’s of Addiction”: Control, Consequence, and Compulsion. The… Continue Reading →
There are times when the God will open up His Universe and communicate with me on a visceral level. His message will rumble through every muscle and organ and bone in my body and I will learn something about His… Continue Reading →
I was asked for my opinion on a workplace situation involving someone who abuses alcohol and his supervisor. It turned out to be pretty clear as to what was going on and it also hammered home, for me anyway, the… Continue Reading →
The graphic I’ve shared today (taken from the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)) tells an important story about the relationship between abstinence from abusing substances and sustained recovery. As the graphic illustrates: 36% of those who abstain for 1-12… Continue Reading →
It’s not easy to talk about unhealthy behaviors. Sometimes, though, difficult conversations are necessary in order to find health within a situation. But, before those conversations occur, I believe we should be sure of what we see. Take a tree… Continue Reading →
It can be scary to be a substance abuse treatment provider. Especially when there’s been success: People approach the successful treatment provider with awe, almost as though he or she has some magical and secret knowledge about healing an addiction. … Continue Reading →
I got into an argument with someone yesterday about a woman who showed up at her workplace apparently drunk. Several people witnessed her fall down and also, she slurred as she spoke. These things, along with reports of a strong… Continue Reading →
Perhaps, as someone shared with me, my approach to addiction/depression may work in “mild” cases, but probably wouldn’t work in more severe cases. Again, my approach to depression/addiction (and to life in general) is: 1) To seek and find beauty… Continue Reading →
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