The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag rock bottom

The Mustard Seed Ripple — A POEM

I’ve heard self-righteous sinners call depression a self-pity party. They congregate and pray and sing away their need to swim in gallons of jack Daniel’s: in words and in songs they congratulate themselves because in a blink of an eye… Continue Reading →

Know how to Respond (2CEUs)

The best definition of power I’ve ever come across is that power is a knowing and active participation in change.  Many times, a person who ends up addicted to a substance really had no clue what he or she was… Continue Reading →

We are the Finest Fabric (2CEUs)

When I was little, I used to sit on the floor and watch my Grandma sew.  She’d guide the fabric with expert skill until pieces of cloth became dresses that would rival those hanging in fancy stores.  But, what was… Continue Reading →

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