The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Santa Fe New Mexico

Santa Fe is dead — thank god for the Guitar Mestizo

I’ve been writing, for years, about things I find interesting. A lot of the time, I write about Santa Fe things: politics, restaurants, politics. But those days are done. Especially the politics part. There isn’t anything good for me within… Continue Reading →

Cannabis business offers economic hope

I had the privilege of attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new cannabis business located deep within Santa Fe’s south-side. Green Fuego is both a cannabis micro-producer and a dispensary. It seeks to be the premier boutique cannabis business in… Continue Reading →

My walk through a decaying park

This morning, I walked through a deserted and decaying park. Hearing the emptiness enveloped me in sadness. I hoped to clear my head and find some perspective regarding recent events in Santa Fe. But no, I didn’t find perspective. The… Continue Reading →

Santa Fe: Vote or we are effeD

In attending the rally for AFSCME 3999 President, Gilbert Baca, I came to a realization: Santa Fe is in desperate need of hope. I listened to impassioned speakers talking about the obelisk and and the Mr. Baca’s pending termination from… Continue Reading →

Santa Fe: Vote to have a chip in the game

The coolest thing about voting is that it’s like a chip in a game. Our vote is our “buy-in” and provides the same level of voice as everyone else. Yes, I know money buys access to elected officials and yes,… Continue Reading →

It may be time to give up on santa fe politics

I think the time has come for me to give up on local politics. Santa Fe’s political climate is just too confusing for me. When I was a little kid, I had a fascination with comic books. I especially loved… Continue Reading →

Cityhall meets another south-side teen shooting with a symphony of crickets

Cityhall meets another teen-involved south-side shooting with a symphony of crickets. I don’t really care, anymore, who sits in elected chairs anymore. They’re all the same. Money. Power. Extension of self. Those are the three guiding principles of our local… Continue Reading →

Writing about the City of Santa Fe is like beating up an anemic elderly man with Dementia

I get so many tips about City of Santa Fe ineptitude that I don’t even want to write about them anymore. Here’s why: writing about the City has become like an MMA fighter beating up an anemic elderly man with… Continue Reading →

City of Santa Fe: Please get the prime site right!

Lots of folks send me “tips” and “scoops” about things going on within Santa Fe. Most of the time, the stuff people share with me don’t amount to anything. When I go to the source, there’s always a logical explanation… Continue Reading →

Candidates within the upcoming MUNICIPAL election need to wake the eff up

Over the last few days and weeks, I have had dozens of conversations with people regarding the upcoming municipal elections. The majority of the conversations come down to one basic point: The current administration (mayor/council) simply doesn’t care about either… Continue Reading →

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