In my substance abuse treatment life, I’ve spent countless hours in meetings, focus groups, and community forums. These sessions always present the same stuff: government reps tooting their horns, bromides, sarcasm. Sometimes, someone will say something useful. Whether the meetings… Continue Reading →
Among the most stupid ideas that float within substance abuse and housing circles is that unhoused populations are homogeneous. Guess what? They’re not. At all. As a matter of fact, terms like “wraparound services” and “affordable housing” are stupid as… Continue Reading →
Whether people like to admit it or not, things in life are largely a matter of perspective. While life itself is subject to natural laws and objective reality, how we interpret those laws and reality depends upon how we view… Continue Reading →
In my role as a treatment provider, the most common situation I face isn’t about any particular drug, it’s about hope. There are times when confronting an addiction seems absolutely hopeless. We watch as either we or our loved ones… Continue Reading →
Although there are a couple of well known roles in recovery, namely, the addict and the enabler, there is one that I don’t think I’ve considered. I call this role, the power-getter. I think the reason why this role previously… Continue Reading →
Living in santa fe nm is becoming impossible. I mean, I can live here, but it’s getting more and more difficult to not slip into a depression over the state of my city. The latest brick in the depressing wall… Continue Reading →
Recovery isn’t about flipping a switch or waving a magic wand. As a treatment provider, I believe it’s part of my mission to build a structure through which recovery is possible. We can pray that addicts simply stop using whatever… Continue Reading →
cannabis is now for sale. Legally. No more calling the connect; we can all go to any licensed dispensary and buy what we want. I’m close to certain that the industry will be an economic boon for New Mexico. There… Continue Reading →
This morning, I walked through a deserted and decaying park. Hearing the emptiness enveloped me in sadness. I hoped to clear my head and find some perspective regarding recent events in Santa Fe. But no, I didn’t find perspective. The… Continue Reading →
Lately, I’ve been having to remind myself that life, in general, isn’t about outcome. Really, it’s about “fighting the good fight” regardless of how that fight makes a person feel. For me, talking with people about Addiction and substance abuse… Continue Reading →
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