The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Substance abuse

Research shows Life skills training aids recovery, also, water is wet

I try to keep abreast of research within the substance abuse treatment field. it’s important that I keep on top of the latest and greatest evidence. But sometimes, the research is kind of dumb. The methods may be sound and… Continue Reading →

two things you can do to help an addict

While there isn’t much anyone can do to “cure” an addict, there are two (2) things people can do for their addicted loved one: 1) Learn to say no; and, 2) Seek to become the best version of themselves that… Continue Reading →

We can beat heroin addiction

After yet another funeral for a young person who died from a heroin overdose, I heard a group of men talking about heroin addiction and its evil impact on their community. I listened as their anger-laced comments flowed from, “We… Continue Reading →

Build spirituality into addiction treatment

When I discuss spirituality with people, I might as well be speaking Martian: People’s eyes gloss over and saliva drips from the corner of their mouths. Maybe they think I’m no one to be discussing spirituality or maybe they’re afraid… Continue Reading →

Two things to keep in mind when talking with an addict

Talking with someone struggling with an addiction can be frustrating. Not for the reasons that you might think, but because they’re so mired in shame that almost every thought he or she utters is a projection of that shame. So,… Continue Reading →

An open letter to anyone struggling with an addiction

Dear Person struggling with an Addiction: Hello. I am a substance abuse and addiction treatment provider and I wanted to get a message to you. This message has both bad news and good news, so I do hope you continue… Continue Reading →

I promise my community that i will do more as a parent, uncle, and counselor to teach our kids that there is hope

I failed him. No excuse. i’m a substance abuse counselor, licensed to work in schools and I did nothing to prevent his murder. Maybe if I were in the schools I could have reached at least one of the kids… Continue Reading →

Santa Fe needs to do better

Santa Fe is better than this. Violence has claimed the lives of three young people under 18 within the last few weeks (one was a prominent basketball player). Two within the City’s southside. We are failing our young people and… Continue Reading →

We MUST account for trauma consciousness

Why the hell am I doing this? I’ve asked myself this question several times over the last few days and yesterday may have shed some light on my reasons. I sat down with a client and as we talked about… Continue Reading →

The Imago Dei should drive our lives

What is the Imago Dei? Literally translated, the Imago Dei is the “Image of God.” This image is not Jesus’ face that miraculously appears on tortillas, it is, to me, the source of all that’s good and strong and beautiful… Continue Reading →

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