The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag substance addiction

Build spirituality into addiction treatment

When I discuss spirituality with people, I might as well be speaking Martian: People’s eyes gloss over and saliva drips from the corner of their mouths. Maybe they think I’m no one to be discussing spirituality or maybe they’re afraid… Continue Reading →

The Imago Dei should drive our lives

What is the Imago Dei? Literally translated, the Imago Dei is the “Image of God.” This image is not Jesus’ face that miraculously appears on tortillas, it is, to me, the source of all that’s good and strong and beautiful… Continue Reading →

Should spirituality be addressed in treating Addiction?

The biggest challenge with which I’m faced as a substance abuse counselor is the idea of spirituality both while in active addiction and while in recovery.  In my opinion, the reason people cower at the idea of spirituality is that… Continue Reading →

Why follow gods that fail?

The other night, I was talking with someone about her struggles with anxiety.  She was telling me that there are days that she can’t sit still for even a minute; her mind races and she has no control over her… Continue Reading →

Addiction treatment providers should support one another, not worry about who’s right

I had been teaching at an in-patient treatment facility for over ten (10) months when one day, out of the clear blue sky, I was unceremoniously relieved of my duties.  Without warning, the Director called me and said that, from… Continue Reading →

4 Requirements for successful Recovery from Addiction

Recovery isn’t about flipping a switch or waving a magic wand. There are certain elements that must either be in place or be developed before recovery can happen. As much as we want addicts to just simply stop using whatever… Continue Reading →

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