The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Substance dependence

Judgment is a distorting reflection

It’s not easy to talk about unhealthy behaviors.  Sometimes, though, difficult conversations are necessary in order to find health within a situation.  But, before those conversations occur, I believe we should be sure of what we see. Take a tree… Continue Reading →

Lies are Symptoms of Addiction

One of the biggest and most pervasive myths associated with Addiction is that “deception is the disease.” I’ve heard that statement in so many different contexts that I fear it has now become common knowledge. The thing is, however, is… Continue Reading →

Feel emotions, but don’t let them rule you

Typically, I leave my house at 6:15 AM for work. Most mornings, I’m rushed and hustle about my home at an almost frenetic pace; gotta beat the traffic, gotta be there on time. While I drive, my mind races over… Continue Reading →

Why do Oxy users switch to Heroin?

Tammy knew that she would never use heroin. Though she’d been addicted to Oxys for over two years, heroin wasn’t in her future. Really, she wasn’t one of those addicts – no way no how was she a junkie and… Continue Reading →

You can’t drink the dead back to life

The other day, I ran into an old friend who has now been sober for quite a while.  He’s enthusiastic about his recovery and tries to help others get into twelve-step programs.  He said that he was talking to a… Continue Reading →

A Profile of my Ideal Client

I was having lunch with a colleague whom I respect very much when I learned that I haven’t given my practice much thought.  Which is to say that I haven’t given it any thought.  When she asked me what types… Continue Reading →

Humanity is connected by an invisible web

I’ve spent hours watching spiders spin webs, wait, and then blast anything that lands in those webs with a shot of venom.  Maybe I need some hobbies, but spider watching is among the most beautiful sights in nature to me. … Continue Reading →

Is it me or are addicts often scapegoats?

One of the frustrating things about working with substance abuse are repeating scenarios. One such recurring theme is that of family roles and how the addict within a family tends to fill the scapegoat role. Often, families come to need… Continue Reading →

The ant in the web is a powerful metaphor…

As a writer, I collect metaphors.  As a substance abuse counselor, I use the metaphors I collect to help illustrate different topics.  One of those illustrated metaphors is featured here: I saw this and stuck in a web right outside… Continue Reading →

2 things to know about addicts

Talking with someone struggling with an addiction can be frustrating. Not for the reasons that you might think, but because they’re so mired in self-hate that almost every thought he or she utters is a projection of that self-hate. So,… Continue Reading →

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