Hello. I am a treatment provider. I’ve seen way too much suffering that resulted from substance abuse and I have no doubt that recovery is valuable and that a life lived through sobriety provides benefits that far outweigh the cloud… Continue Reading →
The Metlife foundation recently sponsored and released a study about teen’s drug and alcohol abuse patterns. The key finding in this study is that Hispanic teens are forty precent (40%) more likely to abuse drugs/alcohol than their Caucasian and Black… Continue Reading →
I believe that people were meant to be creative, committed, and independent within their lives. There’s no doubt in my mind that when people express themselves through some creative means or another and when they are dedicated to something positive,… Continue Reading →
I believe that people were meant to be creative, committed, and independent within their lives. There’s no doubt in my mind that when people express themselves through some creative means or another and when they are dedicated to something positive,… Continue Reading →
Among my pet peeves about Dr. Phil-esque beliefs around addiction is the concept that someone who’s addicted to something is “in denial” about his or her addiction. To be “in denial” means that a person is consciously choosing to ignore… Continue Reading →
Before my reading last Tuesday, a woman from Michigan approached me with a copy of Journey to Aztlan in her hand. She asked if I could sign her book, which I did. When I handed the book back to her,… Continue Reading →
Though various treatment programs show improvement, treatment compliance appears to be the key operating variable. However, my life’s mission is to teach everyone that we all have the source of all that’s good, strong, and beautiful within us. In learning… Continue Reading →
Early recovery is a delicate time; someone in early recovery must go through several biological, social, and psycho-emotional changes that can be difficult to handle. Below, I’ve listed five (5) common challenges and some options for dealing with them*: Friends… Continue Reading →
I don’t have all the answers, heck, I don’t even have a thousandth of the answers; but when it comes to each and every one of our respective paths, I am certain that we all have the answers we need… Continue Reading →
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