The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

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A new approach to Addiction treatment, wrap-up

In my opinion, people want to be accepted and loved despite being flawed.  Whatever a given person perceives those flaws to be, to me, that’s THE basic human desire.   To try to explain, let’s look at someone I’ll call, “Joe.” … Continue Reading →

A new approach to Addiction treatment, wrap-up

In my opinion, people want to be accepted and loved despite being flawed.  Whatever a given person perceives those flaws to be, to me, that’s THE basic human desire.   To try to explain, let’s look at someone I’ll call, “Joe.” … Continue Reading →

Why is Deception so much a part of Addiction?

One of the more common catch-phrases within the addiction treatment community that I’ve head (and probably used) is, “Deception is the disease.”  The reason it’s so widely used that it’s now almost cliché is that it’s an absolute true statement. … Continue Reading →

Thoughts of addiction from those with addictions

I wanted to share three (3) quotes from journal entries that clients within an inpatient treatment facility have shared with m.  I believe that these entires may be able to provide clues and ideas to carry forward into other aspects… Continue Reading →

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