Work stresses people. No one would argue with that statement. Deadlines, workload, and workplace relationships can all tax people to their breaking point. The question for me, though, is: Can work traumatize employees? That’s a tough question. While I believe… Continue Reading →
Cityhall meets another teen-involved south-side shooting with a symphony of crickets. I don’t really care, anymore, who sits in elected chairs anymore. They’re all the same. Money. Power. Extension of self. Those are the three guiding principles of our local… Continue Reading →
In these isolated days, I am certain that anxiety symptoms and trauma triggers are rising in frequency. Life presents enough challenges in “normal” times, but these are anything but normal times. Really, for all of us, our own minds are… Continue Reading →
Vietnam War hero General Westmoreland told his troops about to deploy on what became known as “Hamburger Hill” that they would be on the hill for about ten hours. Once they took the hill, they were to await further orders…. Continue Reading →
If I found and reported historical evidence that a group of marauders cut off the arms and legs of an entire group of people, I’m pretty sure people would freak out. Those who are related to the marauders would passionately… Continue Reading →
Why the hell am I doing this? I’ve asked myself this question several times over the last few days and yesterday may have shed some light on my reasons. I sat down with a client and as we talked about… Continue Reading →
Tammy knew that she would never use heroin. Though she’d been addicted to Oxys for over two years, heroin wasn’t in her future. Really, she wasn’t one of those addicts – no way no how was she a junkie and… Continue Reading →
I’ve given the first of two (2) presentations in support of the Santa Fe Community College’s Center for Diversity’s “Don’t Call me Crazy or Lazy” and i have to say, it went quite well. Tonight at 6PM, at the Higher… Continue Reading →
Hello — this morning, Emily Stern,the Director of Santa Fe Community College’s Diversity and Integrative Center, and I were on the Richard Eeds show which is broadcast out of Santa Fe, NM. We discussed the symposium we are having at the Santa Fe… Continue Reading →
At the NM State Capitol today, representatives from Equality New Mexico, the ACLU, various religious leaders, small business owners, and lawmakers spoke about House Bill 55 and how it would allow business owners to legally discriminate against customers, based upon… Continue Reading →
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