The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

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My God help us reconnect

My beloved Santa Fe feels as though it’s falling, lost between the world of the healthy and unhealthy.  I often imagine my ancient city as an old grandmother who is nearing the end of a four hundred year fight. Still, she… Continue Reading →

The public schools system is a prideful villager — 2CEUs

Jose Marti was  a revolutionary who was ahead of his time.  He said: “The prideful villager thinks his hometown contains the whole world and as long as he can stay on as mayor or humiliate the rival who stole his… Continue Reading →

The duality of addiction has got to go — 2CEUs

The best villain in the comic book world, to me, is Two Face.  He was once a kind and heroic District Attorney, but after being doused with acid on half of his face, he turned into one of the most… Continue Reading →

Needing to change presents a crisis, we all can help — 2CEUs

The best definition of power I’ve ever come across is that power is a knowing and active participation in change.  Many times, a person who ends up addicted to a substance really had no clue what he or she was… Continue Reading →

God ain’t no genie-in-a-bottle

I hate goatheads.  Especially when they prick me late at night when I get my cereal snack barefoot.  But, even though they bug the crap out of me, they do remind me that God isn’t some wish-granting genie in a… Continue Reading →

pain ain't got nothin' on me — A POEM

for me pain don’t transfer a sense of life. nor a hint nor a whisper of a need for penance. to me, life’s hurts are little more than minor key variations on suffering’s simple melody… even a tortured man can… Continue Reading →

chunks of me — A POEM

I stash myself in words and in borrowed thoughts. chunks of me cover blank pages that were once a redemptive smile on a broken man’s face. the corners of his mouth purse away my own tears his eyes are my… Continue Reading →

What's Metaphor got to do with it? 2CEUs

Poetry has many tools: Alliteration,, Rhyme, Rhythm, etc.  But for me, the Metaphor provides poetry with a richness of expression that few other devices/styles can.  Really, any style of poem can benefit from rich metaphors.  The truth is that finding… Continue Reading →

Something Cool — A POEM

Days go by, drowned in memories – stories written in invisible ink. I want something cool to gravitate my way. Instead, I forget and get lost underneath the cross I carry.   I don’t think it’s for me to carry… Continue Reading →

The Mustard Seed Ripple — A POEM

I’ve heard self-righteous sinners call depression a self-pity party. They congregate and pray and sing away their need to swim in gallons of jack Daniel’s: in words and in songs they congratulate themselves because in a blink of an eye… Continue Reading →

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