The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

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Choking a Harbored Love – A POEM

why do we  not see a smile? instead we suffocate our selves in back alleys among urine-tinged cigarette butts decaying in blood-laced mud. a smile forms free and doesn’t hurt like piercing a weakened vein why do we not give… Continue Reading →

Let's Accept

It might be easy to dismiss someone who suffers with an addiction as a “junkie” or as a “drunk” or as an “addict.”  But what’s lost in that dismissal are the significant changes that occur in someone’s brain as a… Continue Reading →

Take Small Steps (2CEUs)

Whenever I learn a new piece of music, I don’t try to learn the whole thing at once.  Music is often so complex that it can overwhelm me if I try to take it on all at the same time…. Continue Reading →

Know how to Respond (2CEUs)

The best definition of power I’ve ever come across is that power is a knowing and active participation in change.  Many times, a person who ends up addicted to a substance really had no clue what he or she was… Continue Reading →

Beauty in the Fight for Life (2CEUs)

It’s all too easy to see the ugliness associated with drug and alcohol addiction:  There are few diseases that have as frustrating an impact as addiction does; not only on the person living under the oppression of his or her… Continue Reading →

Wishing it Away

It’s tough to want health for someone we love when he or she isn’t well.  We pray and wish and hope that somehow health will overtake sickness in a blink of an eye.  And when that sickness is addiction, our… Continue Reading →

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