It’s important to me that people develop enough confidence in their own capability that they can meet any challenge in their lives. Part of what I’ve longed recognized is that people will accept one set of standards for their “professional”… Continue Reading →
I was having lunch with a colleague whom I respect very much when I learned that I haven’t given my practice much thought. Which is to say that I haven’t given it any thought. When she asked me what types… Continue Reading →
Talking with someone struggling with an addiction can be frustrating. Not for the reasons that you might think, but because they’re so mired in self-hate and shame that almost every thought he or she utters is a projection of those… Continue Reading →
I’ve spent hours watching spiders spin webs, wait, and then blast anything that lands in those webs with a shot of venom. Maybe I need some hobbies, but spider watching is among the most beautiful sights in nature to me. … Continue Reading →
One of the frustrating things about working with substance abuse are repeating scenarios. One such recurring theme is that of family roles and how the addict within a family tends to fill the scapegoat role. Often, families come to need… Continue Reading →
There is an Aesop’s fable that is so resonant and relevant to recovery that I am compelled to share it and describe its significance. Now, people are always wondering how they know their loved one is ready change. I’ve said… Continue Reading →
I’ve been thinking a lot about ways to help get over a bout of general malaise. There’s a ton of work out there about Depression treatment and there’s a whole slew of modalities that are recommended. But, what about those… Continue Reading →
I challenge everyone: The next time you hear about someone suffering (or dying) due to Addiction or to Depression, try to see them as someone stricken with a terminal illness, not as someone who is weak or a failure, or… Continue Reading →
To be clear, there is no easy way to take a hard look at ourselves and accept our failings and weaknesses. Looking at the “bad” things we’ve done and not internalizing the shame that can results from the reflection is… Continue Reading →
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