I wanted to be sure about my stance on mediocrity because some public and private comments I received about life’s constant pull towards mediocrity made me quesiton what I was saying. So, I looked up “mediocre” in Webster’s. I learned… Continue Reading →
I haven’t been writing a whole lot this month. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out the source of my latest bout with writer’s block. But then, out of the blue, I learned about the Cicero’s six (6)… Continue Reading →
The assignment for Day 6 was to indicate personlity through a short scene between characters. I did so (a booger in colloguial Spanish is known as a “moco.” important info to know, going into the short scene, below): * *… Continue Reading →
So, I took Sunday and Monday off from my 90 Days to a Novel adventure. Therefore, today I resumed and wrote a scene consistent with the assignment to think about the setting of the novel. I created a place called… Continue Reading →
So, I took Sunday and Monday off from my 90 Days to a Novel adventure. Therefore, today I resumed and wrote a scene consistent with the assignment to think about the setting of the novel. I created a place called… Continue Reading →
After four days on this ninety (90) day goal, I understand a bit better why people don’t start goals: It’s a pain to coninue making progress! The assignment for day four was to go through a cast of characters that… Continue Reading →
Day 3 of my 90 day program was interesting. I realize that the point of writing ten (10) character bios is to have an inventory of characters from which a novelist can draw plot points. But, as I said when… Continue Reading →
I was talking with someone the other day about a seventeen (17) year old girl who was using crystal meth. “Her mom and grandpa are on top of her about it, but she just won’t stop,” said the person. I… Continue Reading →
Life reminds me how we all can feed negative thoughts so much that they fill our souls and then spill out into our words and actions. We remain fixed in our negative beliefs and continue to defeat our best intentions… Continue Reading →
One of the frustrating things about working with substance abuse is a scenario that appears to repeat itself. There might be different people filling the necessary roles, but certain themes present themselves over and over again. For example, there’s usually… Continue Reading →
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