The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag treatment

The Substance Abuse Spectrum

It’s really important that we understand substance use as a spectrum.  On one side is no use at all; while on the other side is full-blown addiction.  In between the two ends are progressive stages of substance use that become… Continue Reading →

Supporting recovery doesn't mean enabling it

I was asked for my opinion on a workplace situation involving someone who abuses alcohol and his supervisor.  It turned out to be pretty clear as to what was going on and it also hammered home, for me anyway, the… Continue Reading →

A friend who asks me to drink alcohol isn't a friend

It was a busy restaurant; people paraded in and out and the wait staff hustled around the joint to get the mob satiated.  There weren’t many seats, and my friend and I accepted a table in the bar area, rather… Continue Reading →

Am I making a difference?

Our sky here in NM is covered with thick, grey clouds today.  Though the sun should already be lighting up my writing desk, I had to turn on the lights so that I can see clearly. I’m all about clarity;… Continue Reading →

How to tell if a behavior has become an Addiction

I posted a slideshow of a portion of a talk I gave a week ago called, “How to tell if a behavior has become an Addiction” to Slideshare. Here’s the link…Please let me know of any feedback… How to tell… Continue Reading →

Who cares if Santa Fe, NM is "green?"

Santa Fe’s City Council actually did something right: They removed a ten (10) tax for using a grocery store’s paper bag.  They removed this tax as part of a bigger ordinance to remove plastic bags from our streets.  We all… Continue Reading →

Addiction's demon needs your blindness

Albert Einstein once asked,” What does a fish know about the water in which he swims all his life?” He asked that question in regards to people because, like fish, people are often unaware of the significance of their own… Continue Reading →

We should look at ourselves objectively and try to improve

Every once in a while, something crosses my path that says exactly what I’m always trying to say.  The Peanuts strip I’ve included in this post ran yesterday and sums up pretty much what I know can work to developing… Continue Reading →

Further criminalizing substance abuse simply doesn't work

I think it’s a symptom of a weak and unprepared mind to suggest that increasing police budgets just to deal with narcotics is a good use of tax dollars.  Of the 1,552,432 arrests for drug law violations in 2012, 82.2%… Continue Reading →

Lessons learned from Journey to Aztlan

It’s now been around 100 days since Journey to Aztlan hit the streets and I think it’s time to measure its life, thus far. I think the biggest lesson that I’ve learned about Journey to Aztlan is that its name… Continue Reading →

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