“Hello, this is Juan Blea calling to refer a client. Can you please call me back to set up a time to do a screening?” I must’ve said that fifteen times this week. Guess how many calls back I received?… Continue Reading →
I have absolutely no doubt that addiction treatment requires awareness of the situation in which a substance abuser finds him or her self. Rather than opposing symptoms, I recommend a reflective journaling regimen that provides a mechanism through which a… Continue Reading →
Someone could easily criticize the work I do as: “all talk no action.” The thing is, generally, people don’t really make changes in their lives unless they come to see that the road they’re on is too difficult to walk… Continue Reading →
I don’t know why some people end up lost within an addiction while others don’t. Nor can I say with any certainty that a given treatment plan will work. In situations of great complexity, of which addiction is one, there… Continue Reading →
I don’t know why some people end up lost within an addiction while others don’t. Nor can I say with any certainty that a given treatment plan will work. In situations of great complexity, of which addiction is one, there… Continue Reading →
I don’t know why some people end up lost within an addiction while others don’t. Nor can I say with any certainty that a given treatment plan will work. In situations of great complexity, of which addiction is one, there… Continue Reading →
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