The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Understanding

Understanding a behavior is the key

Change is difficult. However, individuals, families, and organizations at one point or another all value and desire behavioral change. In my experience, the desire is often based upon discomfort with a current behavior. However, even though the desire can be… Continue Reading →


Without any doubt, one of the biggest frustrations in life for me is watching people fill roles for which they aren’t qualified.  Especially if those roles have a leadership component, I watch the unqualified struggle with the requirements of the… Continue Reading →

What's Metaphor got to do with it? 2CEUs

Poetry has many tools: Alliteration,, Rhyme, Rhythm, etc.  But for me, the Metaphor provides poetry with a richness of expression that few other devices/styles can.  Really, any style of poem can benefit from rich metaphors.  The truth is that finding… Continue Reading →

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