The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Category blogging

Why I earned a school counseling license…

A few years ago, I was reading from my book, 49 Tips and Insights for Understanding Addiction at a book store when two women were waiting for me to finish signing books. They were a teacher and a principal at… Continue Reading →

We all need to get past our comfort zone…

Organizations tend to stay in their comfort zones and don’t ever really try to grow or innovate past their entrenched modes of behavior. That they continue to do things as they’ve always been done is the basis for the problems that continue to crop up year after year.

Clinicians NEED an effective Information Technology strategy

In the over twenty years that I’ve spent designing and implementing software, I can safely say that social service agencies tend to be under-served by their Information Technology (IT) strategies. The thing is, though, that a really good clinical decision… Continue Reading →

Blogging is my practice, but should it be?

There are times when it feels like no one listens.  I write and teach about healthy ways to approach substance abuse, yet people continue to dig their respective holes and wonder why they can’t get out.  I started blogging to… Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday to my wife whose smile lights the world!

In the course of a lifetime, we are lucky if we even encounter someone whose smile can move a mountain.  When we do, our souls are somehow healed from pain we didn’t even know we carried.  I know about these… Continue Reading →

I almost had a radio show…or did I?

First of all, it wasn’t my idea. Someone at a nameless Santa Fe-based broadcasting company approached me with the idea of a radio show that I would host and discuss matters pertaining to substance abuse. I gave it some thought… Continue Reading →

We need Adan Mendoza to be our Sheriff. Here’s why.

The typical politician, to me, shakes a lot of hands and speaks with empty platitudes.  However, Adan Mendoza is not, by any means, a typical politician.  At the La Cienega Valley Association meeting held on June 4th, 2018, Adan presented… Continue Reading →

We are the problem, not guns or drugs

I’m sorry, but neither guns nor drugs are the problem.  From my perspective, it’s easy to blame objects when the real source of the problems we face lies in the mirror.  Now, do I think automatic weapons should be legal?… Continue Reading →

La Choza Restaurant Really Delivers!

La Choza restaurant doesn’t need any accolades or glowing reviews; it’s always packed. As a Santa Fean, I can attest that there aren’t many great (or even good) New Mexican restaurants that consistently deliver a meal that’s ALMOST close to… Continue Reading →

Let’s make Adan Mendoza our Sheriff!

When he walked into our meeting, I immediately felt that a special presence had entered the room. It was more than just the typical energy I sense; it was as though a force enveloped him and carried him more so… Continue Reading →

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