I’ve been thinking a lot about ways to help get over a bout of general malaise. There’s a ton of work out there about Depression treatment and there’s a whole slew of modalities that are recommended. But, what about those… Continue Reading →
Having the blues sucks and these days, it seems like there’s more and more reasons for the blues to overwhelm us. But having the blues ainn’t a joke: if not redirected, they can spiral into something far worse, like depressive… Continue Reading →
It may sound kind of strange, but I’ve never bought into the idea that mental health is an “either/or” proposition. I don’t think it’s realistic to suggest that mental health is a goal; to do so would assume that someone… Continue Reading →
Today is my birthday. My wish is that people rise up and eliminate the stupidity that is cancel culture. it’s not only stupid, but it only serves to keep hate alive. The idea that someone can get “canceled” for something… Continue Reading →
A colleague of mine recently asked me how to integrate “privilege awareness” into a discussion regarding how a client may not feel comfortable with a therapist of a different social group. The issue that arose was that therapists tend to… Continue Reading →
All humanity is connected, just like a spider web connects a spider to its prey. I know this because I’ve spent hours watching spiders spin webs, wait, and then blast anything that lands in those webs with a shot of… Continue Reading →
Change management isn’t just a business buzzword that people slide into their resumes. It’s a real thing that people really don’t value or understand. Drives me nuts how little people think about how they manages changes, whether it be in… Continue Reading →
It may sound kind of strange, but I’ve never bought into the idea that mental health is an “either/or” proposition. I don’t think it’s realistic to suggest that mental health is a goal; to do so would assume that someone… Continue Reading →
Teddy was done. He just couldn’t take it anymore. The loneliness, the isolation, the wanting for human contact. Without it, his heart shriveled up and he reached the end of the road. I found him hanging from the fence and… Continue Reading →
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