The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Category Power

Reminder: Free Continuing Education offered through

I wanted to remind everyone that there are three (3) ways to earn free continuing education credits (CECs) through this 1.  Read any article posted to and answer the following questions (worth 2 CECs per article): About what article or articles… Continue Reading →

Addiction is the legacy of the Born Immmigrant

To many in the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico, the United State’s enactment of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was nothing more than a fancy smoke and mirrors tactic that allowed the U.S. to steal huge pieces of land… Continue Reading →

Five challenges and options for early recovery

Early recovery is a delicate time; someone in early recovery must go through several biological, social, and psycho-emotional changes that can be difficult to handle.  Below, I’ve listed five (5) common challenges and some options for dealing with them*: Friends… Continue Reading →

The Substance Abuse Spectrum

It’s really important that we understand substance use as a spectrum.  On one side is no use at all; while on the other side is full-blown addiction.  In between the two ends are progressive stages of substance use that become… Continue Reading →

Critical Reflection isn't Mental Masturbation

I’m always advocating that people critically reflect about roles in their lives as a first step towards defining and creating healthier realities.  I don’t think, in any way, that it’s mental masturbation to do this exercise.  To me, understanding the… Continue Reading →

The definition of an oppressive leader

Paulo Freire considered education a revolutionary process (Freire, 2002). He said, “The revolution loves and creates life; and in order to create life it may be obliged to prevent some men from circumscribing life.  In addition to the life-death cycle… Continue Reading →

Effect of music on power, pain, and depression

I love reading formal studies.  Many add to the bodies of knowledge of subjects with which I’m concerned and interested.  One such study was one that sought to show whether or not music can increase feelings of power.  The study… Continue Reading →

True leadership makes for better education

The cornerstone to improving educational practice/environments is leadership with people.  Only through facilitation can a leader unveil the world that those whom are powerless must perceive, “in order for the oppressed to be able to wage the struggle for their… Continue Reading →

It's all a matter of persepective

Physics does exactly what I’m seeking to do: Name and manipulate unseen forces. How do these forces work in the physics world? That’s the first question. For example, if I can throw a ball twenty yards, but I want to… Continue Reading →

Are kids being tracked?

One of my favorite books is Jeannie Oakes’ Keeping Track: How schools structure inequality.  It does what any good piece of nonfiction should do.  It defines a problem, researches all pertinent information as to the nature of the problem, and… Continue Reading →

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