A few days ago, I published a new eBook called, A Model for Contextual Leadership: A Practitioner’s Course. My new book: Presents a behavioral model for an empowerment leadership approach that I call, Contextual Leadership. Provides a program for implementing… Continue Reading →
I have no doubt that writers all dream of hitting a home run bestseller that assures financial security. I know I do. But, as I continue on this writing path I started so many years ago, I see that the… Continue Reading →
It doesn’t take a lifetime of intense research to see the inequalities in the public school systems that stem from socioeconomic circumstances. I took a drive one day and just looked around Santa Fe. First, I drove through the East… Continue Reading →
It’s important to me to make some suggestions to improve our kids’ educational experience. From a developmental perspective, the first and most important suggestion is for educators, administrators, and parents to realize that education is a systemic endeavor. This system… Continue Reading →
White America isn’t about ethnicity or race or economics. It’s about power. White America doesn’t gangs or guns or drugs. I believe, wholeheartedly, that White America fears people of repressed circumstances learning enough to become individually or collectively strong. Through… Continue Reading →
Language is arbitrary. Language is domain specific. Language is over-valued. Basically, those three things sum up my entire stance towards language usage, both written and spoken. Furthermore, there is too little discussion about language as a code. What is taken… Continue Reading →
I’ll make it simple: Creo is the Latin word for creation; Everto is the Latin word for destruction. I use those words to describe what I once thought as the hero and villain in my life. Turns out, I was… Continue Reading →
I read an article in my hometown newspaper that said something about the mayoral candidates caring about education, even though they don’t have direct authority over the school district. The person who wrote the article made the comment as though… Continue Reading →
My experience’s in life have taught me, most of all, to be aware of power differentials and the way those power differentials develop and operate. As part of this awareness, there are two concepts that demonstrate the entire body of… Continue Reading →
All members of an educational setting: student, teacher, principal, and parent, must all be working towards the same goal. If not, there is a pathological condition within the system. For example: If a principal’s main concern is with overall test… Continue Reading →
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