I don’t really know why I wrote my first book. If someone had told me that putting words into the universe in book form meant that I would always have to answer for those words, I may have thought twice… Continue Reading →
A few years ago, I was reading from my book, 49 Tips and Insights for Understanding Addiction at a book store when two women were waiting for me to finish signing books. They were a teacher and a principal at… Continue Reading →
I’m sorry, but neither guns nor drugs are the problem. From my perspective, it’s easy to blame objects when the real source of the problems we face lies in the mirror. Now, do I think automatic weapons should be legal?… Continue Reading →
As a substance abuse counselor, I have had to advocate on behalf of clients to probation officers, lawyers, and judges more times than I can count. Legal troubles often accompany substance use disorders (SUDs); so often, in fact, those with… Continue Reading →
And so, once again, I’ve completed my Holy Thursday tradition of walking to the Santuario de Chimayo. It takes me about seven hours to walk the 22 or so miles from my starting point to arrive at the mystical little… Continue Reading →
Recovery is a good thing – even though can suck sometimes, it really is better to face life’s B.S. through lucidity than through the haze of Addiction. But, recovery doesn’t appear to be that easy of a sell; most of… Continue Reading →
It has now been almost 6 years since I’ve started my blog, jblea1016.com. While I can’t say that blogging success has allowed me to retire, I can say that it has grown and continues to grow. I am quite grateful… Continue Reading →
The Addict Identity must die. Most people would agree with that, but what they may not either agree with or understand is that they keep the Addict Identity alive. The challenge is that most people don’t understand the Addict Identity,… Continue Reading →
The thing is, because we learn to speak so young, we tend to forget that words are nothing more than symbols that when strung together in certain ways, provide meaning that allows us to communicate. The problem, though, is that… Continue Reading →
So, much is made about the problems that Addiction presents. The awareness exists because, well, problems are pretty easy to spot. Really, I can hang out within any group of people and if given enough time, they will start complaining… Continue Reading →
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