Mastery of anything takes time, practice, and most importantly, love. In my opinion, no one can master anything without a deep and loving connection to that when he or she seeks to master. Eddie Van Halen loved the guitar and its musical possibilities and became the best of all time. Simon Biles couldn’t have become the all time greatest female gymnast without loving the relationship between her body and the events within gymnastics. And Jerome Armijo couldn’t have become the master carpenter he is without loving the relationship between raw materials and what they can become.

On Saturday, July 27th, I walked the entirety of both the Traditional Spanish Market and the Contemporary Spanish Market and saw several different examples of mastery. Both markets exhibited stellar works from master craftsmen and visionaries. However, it was clear that Jerome and his business partner Jude Tercero offer more than just craftsmanship and artistry. I listened to Jerome. He told a story about a shelving unit that was riddled with holes and small canals. He said the wood was harvested from the sea and clam worms burrowed into the wood prior to its harvest. As he spoke, his eyes illuminated what was already a bright day. Obviously, his and Jude’s work is the culmination of deep love and respect for their materials and processes. Their work is objectively both beautiful and pragmatic, but they also emanate love that this crazy world needs these days.

I strongly advise that folks go and visit Jerome and Jude. Their mastery is on full display at their booth near Cityhall’s side entrance. Pick up a piece, but before you do, ask for the item’s story. I assure you that the piece, the story, and the artists’ love for the item will be worth way more than what you’ll pay. If you can’t make it down to the plaza, Jerome is always available for custom carpentry jobs and pieces. His number is 505.573.6772.