
The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

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What’s the biggest lie people believe?

The biggest lie sold to humanity is that there’s someone or something coming to save it. There isn’t. The harsh truth is that every single person on the planet must face her own mental landscape on her own terms. No… Continue Reading →

3 Requirements for a successful project

Organizations often begin a project without any idea about the project’s success.  But then, when a project fails, they step back and wonder what went wrong.  During my career, I have led both successful and unsuccessful projects (the successful ones… Continue Reading →

6 ways to reduce the chances of children developing an issue with substances

According to the Parents Translational Research Center and the Partnership for a Drug Free America, there are six (6) things parents can do to prevent their child from developing an issue with illicit substances: Build a warm and supportive relationship… Continue Reading →

Why not incorporate spirituality in treating SUDs?

A recent study found that cognitive behavioral therapy is more successful in treating Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) than spirituality-based programs (study can be found here). In the years I’ve been studying and treating SUDs; however, I’ve learned that when a… Continue Reading →

An open letter to Santa Fe’s constituents

Dear resident of Santa Fe, NM: Among the many unexpected outcomes of my employment with the City of Santa Fe is the level of contempt I’ve faced. People who I considered “friends” have turned into enemies. They approach me, both… Continue Reading →

Leadership IS a clinical discipline…

I hold the belief that leadership is as much a clinical discipline as counseling or psychology. Really, leadership takes the evidence of a given domain and then seeks to modify human behavior towards a desired outcome using the domain-specific evidence…. Continue Reading →

3 things to do to protect your teen from drugs/alcohol

If your child is between 12-18 years old, then, as a School Drug and Alcohol Counselor, I have some news for you: Your teen will probably be exposed to drugs and/or alcohol in the near future, if they haven’t already… Continue Reading →

Is there hope for Santa Fe?

Santa Fe is not completely dead, yet. I believe that there’s still hope. Please understand that I do. But, it’s becoming increasingly depressing to live in Santa Fe. I’m worried that as personal agendas and vendettas continue to seep into… Continue Reading →

There is hope for treating opioid addiction…

The opioid epidemic has gotten to the point the even Sesame Street recognizes the need to address it. As a treatment provider, though, I know that there is a hope. Although not every heroin user wants to get clean, there… Continue Reading →

How do I NOT take things personally?

I can summarize the entirety of my graduate school work in three (3) words : 1) Roles; 2) Self; and, 3) Reflection. Through my work, I was able to study and develop an approach to leadership and educational psychology that… Continue Reading →

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