Dear resident of Santa Fe, NM:

Among the many unexpected outcomes of my employment with the City of Santa Fe is the level of contempt I’ve faced. People who I considered “friends” have turned into enemies. They approach me, both while I’m working and while I’m out and about, and either make comments or ask me loaded questions. Yesterday, I had one such experience and I’m still trying to unravel its significance. I won’t name any names but I am shocked by this person’s “question.”

Here’s what he asked: Do I feel that accepting my position with the City is a conflict of interest. Really. That was his question. Close to a year later, that’s what he claimed he and others are questioning. He brought it to me because he really wanted to know how I could accept a job that I created when I completed an Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) audit last year. For the record: I didn’t create the position that I filled, nor did I personally benefit, directly, from the IV&V audit.

Now, I will say that I am glad to serve my community through the role I fill. And I am paid well for my efforts. No doubt, both are benefits. But I am also quite skilled and my skills do have high market value and I could command a higher salary had I remained an independent consultant. Furthermore, I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it many times before I am through, I believe in Mayor Webber’s administration. HOWEVER….

When I completed the IV&V audit, I never had any intention of working directly for the City. It was a very tough decision for me and there are many times throughout the day when I question my sanity for having accepted the position (like when people randomly question my ethics). Having said that, though, I am more than glad to be a part of the solution.

I can promise everyone who questions me and my relationship with the City that my intentions are to make my community better by any means necessary. I still counsel people with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) on weekends and after five. I still believe that Santa Fe can be an integrated, healthy, and strong community. Basically, I believe in Santa Fe and my efforts are all driven by my faith in my City. Really, if a pigeon dies on the Plaza, I feel responsible. I’ve never had any nefarious schemes and I never will do anything to hurt my town. Question me, if you need to, I will be accountable to you. But at least try to understand that I take my position with the City as a heavy responsibility and I always will.