When a theme or specific issue emerges again and again in sessions with clients, I tend to look it at it as something that I need to study, understand, and possibly, share. One such theme has reared its head lately… Continue Reading →
During a recent consultation phone call, a mother of a young woman who was binge-drinking argued that her daughter was a full-blown alcoholic and needed intense treatment. “But,” I said. “Is she using alcohol compulsively?” Her brow furrowed and her… Continue Reading →
I first remember meeting The Addict when I was around 8 years old. My family was hosting a regular Friday night barbecue and, as usual, alcohol was involved. There weren’t many times when my dad chose to NOT drink copious… Continue Reading →
I’ve been spending some time researching the viability of psilocybin (the active ingredient in “magic mushrooms” as a safe pharmacological intervention for Addiction, Anxiety, and Depression. I’ve written about a study that suggested that psilocybin effectively aided in smoking cessation… Continue Reading →
In any context, when a person begins a new undertaking, there are four (4) ways in which he or she can proceed: 1) Committed; 2) Compliant; 3) Resistant; or, 4) Apathetic. Really, I’m ok with working with the first three. … Continue Reading →
I have a friend whose adult son has been struggling with an alcohol addiction for many years. I’ve met with the son regarding his addiction and, although he’s been to inpatient rehab several times and attends AA meetings regularly, he… Continue Reading →
I think it’s hard to argue that we in some trouble. Hundreds of people each month are succumbing to drug and alcohol addiction. Needless deaths. I write this column in hopes that someone reads it and guides either himself or… Continue Reading →
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