The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

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Create to make darkness go away

I’ll make it simple: Creo is the Latin word for creation; Everto is the Latin word for destruction.  I use those words to describe what I once thought as the hero and villain in my life.  Turns out, I was… Continue Reading →

Tell Your Story!!

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you” — Maya Angelou The first time I read those particular words from Ms. Angelou, I knew exactly what she meant.  Too many people live as though their… Continue Reading →

Free gift of gratitude: Download Journey to Aztlan free today and tomorrow

I love to write.  Putting words together in such a way as to build a coherent thought to share with others is the great mission of my life.  When my fingers bang away at a keyboard, nothing else matters and… Continue Reading →

The writing life — it's like an F you for Christmas

I advocate and believe in the power of reflective writing to heal.  My own writing life has richly blessed me; I’ve been able to go places and do things that I never would have even thought possible without the opportunities… Continue Reading →

LIfe is a stage

Most every school kid has learned about the difference between potential and kinetic energy.  What the school may not know is that a bunch of things have to come together in order for potential energy to become kinetic energy. For… Continue Reading →

We all should have a personal ethics statement — 2CEUs

My sense of ethics grew from an early experience that happened when I was around nine years old.  Considering the fact that I had started catechism four years prior, it would seem that religious education would have drilled some sort… Continue Reading →

Voice of Salvation — A POEM

Saw and heard George Thorogood his guitar sounded like the damned finding their salvation crying for their reprieve   I played my guitar today wouldn’t have melted warm butter but it felt good to play and I was glad I… Continue Reading →

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