There are times when the God will open up His Universe and communicate with me on a visceral level. His message will rumble through every muscle and organ and bone in my body and I will learn something about His… Continue Reading →
I don’t have all the answers, heck, I don’t even have a thousandth of the answers; but when it comes to each and every one of our respective paths, I am certain that we all have the answers we need… Continue Reading →
“We’re past the age of heroes and hero kings. … Most of our lives are basically mundane and dull, and it’s up to the writer to find ways to make them interesting.” — John Updike I couldn’t disagree with Mr…. Continue Reading →
I’m always advocating that people critically reflect about roles in their lives as a first step towards defining and creating healthier realities. I don’t think, in any way, that it’s mental masturbation to do this exercise. To me, understanding the… Continue Reading →
I think it’s a symptom of a weak and unprepared mind to suggest that increasing police budgets just to deal with narcotics is a good use of tax dollars. Of the 1,552,432 arrests for drug law violations in 2012, 82.2%… Continue Reading →
Paulo Freire considered education a revolutionary process (Freire, 2002). He said, “The revolution loves and creates life; and in order to create life it may be obliged to prevent some men from circumscribing life. In addition to the life-death cycle… Continue Reading →
All too often, people who know and love someone with an addiction spend a ton of energy worrying and trying to help their loved one. A lot of time, people approach me for treatment advice when they’ve done all they… Continue Reading →
When someone struggles with Depression or with an addiction (or both), I’m willing to bet everything I have that his or her life has been reduced to a single point of consciousness. That singular focus, either the atrophy of Depression… Continue Reading →
If you asked one hundred people who know me, I’m willing to place a large bet that you’ll get one hundred different answers. I guess it’s that way: people know each other through some role or another through which they… Continue Reading →
I know that there are people who may disagree with me that all human life is contains the capability to create. But to me, the reason they disagree is because they’ve spent too much time telling themselves and/or others that… Continue Reading →
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