Lately, the question, “is Internet addiction real?” seems to pop up everywhere I go. But, it’s the wrong question, in my opinion. The real question (just as it is for other “behavioral addictions” such as gambling addiction, sex addiction, and… Continue Reading →
Saying that someone who abuses drugs and/or alcohol has to be ready to quit is a lot like saying that a rose has to be ready to grow. And while that statement might appear true on the surface, I don’t… Continue Reading →
Addiction treatment requires awareness of the situation in which a substance abuser finds himself. Rather than opposing symptoms, reflective journaling provides a mechanism through which a person can see his or her situation in his or her own terms and… Continue Reading →
I’ve been reviewing the “55 best links” that I shared on Sunday. There’s so much good material in them that I have been touched and inspired and re-motivated to kick Addiction’s ass. Today, I’m going to share a really touching… Continue Reading →
When someone struggles with Depression or with an addiction (or both), I’m willing to bet everything I have that his or her life has been reduced to a single point of consciousness. That singular focus, either the atrophy of Depression… Continue Reading →
If you asked one hundred people who know me, I’m willing to place a large bet that you’ll get one hundred different answers. I guess it’s that way: people know each other through some role or another through which they… Continue Reading →
I love reading formal studies. Many add to the bodies of knowledge of subjects with which I’m concerned and interested. One such study was one that sought to show whether or not music can increase feelings of power. The study… Continue Reading →
I know that there are people who may disagree with me that all human life is contains the capability to create. But to me, the reason they disagree is because they’ve spent too much time telling themselves and/or others that… Continue Reading →
I downloaded a guide from a site that provides awesome information regarding things parents can do when their child is addicted. I’ve included the guide at the bottom of this post because I do think that, while it’s short, provides… Continue Reading →
I had an interesting conversation the other day during lunch that orbited around the idea that language is representative. We talked about a table and how the word, “table,” represents something with which we’re commonly familiar, but isn’t the table… Continue Reading →
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