The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Education

You need to read this important book — 2CEUs

Very few books have real power.  Very few books can transform a reader.  Very few books can transform an educational system. Joan Wink’s, Critical Pedagogy, Notes from the Real World, is one of those very few books. Critical Pedagogy utilizes… Continue Reading →

The public schools system is a prideful villager — 2CEUs

Jose Marti was  a revolutionary who was ahead of his time.  He said: “The prideful villager thinks his hometown contains the whole world and as long as he can stay on as mayor or humiliate the rival who stole his… Continue Reading →

The hidden rules are the problem (writing is my solution) — 2CEUs

A friend of mine once asked me, “What motivates you as a writer?” I thought about truth and strength and beauty.  But, when my mouth opened, I said, “What motivates my writing the most, by far, is anger.” And it… Continue Reading →

Let's Revolutionize Education — 2 CEUs

I submit that the current goal of education in the United States of America is to create worker bees and boss bees.  Weber confirms this thought, “today’s capitalism, which has come to dominance in economic life, creates and trains, by… Continue Reading →

Towards a Critical Pedagogy (2CEUs)

Wink (2005) describes critical pedagogy as a way for people to become aware of their own contexts and their respective roles within those contexts.  Critical pedagogy calls for people to name their reality in their own terms, to reflect critically… Continue Reading →

Know how to Respond (2CEUs)

The best definition of power I’ve ever come across is that power is a knowing and active participation in change.  Many times, a person who ends up addicted to a substance really had no clue what he or she was… Continue Reading →

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