What is the Imago Dei?Literally translated, the Imago Dei is the “Image of God.” This image is not Jesus’ face that miraculously appears on tortillas, it is, to me, the source of all that’s good and strong and beautiful that… Continue Reading →
My annual pilgrimage to the Santuario de Chimayo is now complete. I made the 22 mile trek on Holy Thursday. I spent Good Friday recovering and now that I am back to normal, I am able to process the trip…. Continue Reading →
Turns out, no one really is immune from Coronavirus, not even spiritual beings. Satan is now among the gazillions who have contracted the novel Coronavirus and Hell is now the spiritual epicenter. Satan, however, is at a loss about how… Continue Reading →
The biggest lie sold to humanity is that there’s someone or something coming to save it. There isn’t. The harsh truth is that every single person on the planet must face her own mental landscape on her own terms. No… Continue Reading →
Is anyone a real agent of God? I mean, can any single human being stand before another and profess to know any more about the after-life or about an infinite creator? To me, the short answer is simply: No. There… Continue Reading →
I’ve spent hours watching spiders spin webs, wait, and then blast anything that lands in those webs with a shot of venom. Maybe I need some hobbies, but spider watching is among the most beautiful sights in nature to me. … Continue Reading →
Jesus and Buddha are in Heaven/Nirvana looking down on their respective followers, shaking their heads. Jesus says to the Buddha, “Buddha, look at them, is that what you meant?” Buddha studies his followers across the Earth then he studies Jesus’… Continue Reading →
There’s times when words will enter my mind and then buzz around and sting my thoughts throughout the day. What’s strange to me is that when those certain words come around, they do so through distinct and unconnected channels. A… Continue Reading →
Before my reading last Tuesday, a woman from Michigan approached me with a copy of Journey to Aztlan in her hand. She asked if I could sign her book, which I did. When I handed the book back to her,… Continue Reading →
I know that there are people who may disagree with me that all human life is contains the capability to create. But to me, the reason they disagree is because they’ve spent too much time telling themselves and/or others that… Continue Reading →
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