I’ve heard self-righteous sinners call depression a self-pity party. They congregate and pray and sing away their need to swim in gallons of jack Daniel’s: in words and in songs they congratulate themselves because in a blink of an eye… Continue Reading →
The sad thing is that, though the Collective Capacity is universal, not everyone accesses, feels, believes, or even wants to partake of what it does. Because death’s negative energy is prevalent, despair grows within a person and replaces all choices… Continue Reading →
There are no easy answers: Two people can experience the same traumatic event and one becomes entangled and enmeshed within despair while the other chooses life and becomes whole. The questions as to how and why one dies and one… Continue Reading →
A whole bunch of years ago, I attended a Play Therapy conference that taught me more about leadership during a crisis (and parenting during a crisis) that anything else I had studied to that point. Really, I haven’t learned a… Continue Reading →
It can be scary to be a substance abuse treatment provider. Especially when there’s been success: People approach the successful treatment provider with awe, almost as though he or she has some magical and secret knowledge about healing an addiction. … Continue Reading →
I got into an argument with someone yesterday about a woman who showed up at her workplace apparently drunk. Several people witnessed her fall down and also, she slurred as she spoke. These things, along with reports of a strong… Continue Reading →
Really, addiction is a multi-layered disease per the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s definition, “Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual… Continue Reading →
One Saturday night, I found myself grabbing junk out of my closet and stuffing it into a large garbage bag. I was tossing out anything that was within reach of my pistonlike-moving arms. My runny nose signaled late fall, which… Continue Reading →
One Saturday night, I found myself grabbing junk out of my closet and stuffing it into a large garbage bag. I was tossing out anything that was within reach of my pistonlike-moving arms. My runny nose signaled late fall, which… Continue Reading →
I have absolutely no doubt that addiction treatment requires awareness of the situation in which a substance abuser finds him or her self. Rather than opposing symptoms, I recommend a reflective journaling regimen that provides a mechanism through which a… Continue Reading →
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