The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Health

Is there greed behind antidepressants?

I read an article called The Medicated Americans, some Barber fellow and it bugged me. Barber (2008) is a descriptive study that asserts that the medical community tends to prescribe various antidepressants for common life problems and not for clinical depression. … Continue Reading →

Is there greed behind antidepressants?

I read an article called The Medicated Americans, some Barber fellow and it bugged me. Barber (2008) is a descriptive study that asserts that the medical community tends to prescribe various antidepressants for common life problems and not for clinical depression. … Continue Reading →

Eating a cupcake is a privilege

The other day, I sat on my comfortable couch eating a cupcake and reading a research article on the prevalence rate of Hispanic drug users when it hit me: Since I do my best to keep up with the latest… Continue Reading →

I wrote it for you

I hate it when people I disagree with turn out to be right.  But, at least I can admit it.  When I was getting ready to release Journey to Aztlan, I had an argument with a marketing firm I was… Continue Reading →

Can't wish it away

It’s tough to want health for someone we love when he or she isn’t well.  We pray and wish and hope that somehow health will overtake sickness in a blink of an eye.  And when that sickness is addiction, our… Continue Reading →

Letting go may be unnecessary

It’s been thirty-one (31) years since my grandmother passed away.  When I think of her, I still become choked up and how much my family and I lost with her passing.  She was my family’s cornerstone and when cancer took… Continue Reading →

My God help us reconnect

My beloved Santa Fe feels as though it’s falling, lost between the world of the healthy and unhealthy.  I often imagine my ancient city as an old grandmother who is nearing the end of a four hundred year fight. Still, she… Continue Reading →

Smile and the world smiles back

It’s rare that I’m among the first boarding group on any flight.  I’m unlucky that way: Usually, no matter how early I try to check in, I end up towards the back of an airplane.  I’ve gotten used to it… Continue Reading →

The Commodore 64 saved my life

I sit back and wonder: Could this have happened to anyone other than a Chicano kid who grew up in what amounted to the projects in Santa Fe, NM who happened to get a Commodore 64 for Christmas?  I mean,… Continue Reading →

It's time we believe that depression and addiction can be overcome

Someone could easily criticize the work I do as: “all talk no action.”  The thing is, generally, people don’t really make changes in their lives unless they come to see that the road they’re on is too difficult to walk… Continue Reading →

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