The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag internal capability

Are you making one of these 6 mistakes?

I haven’t been writing a whole lot this month. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out the source of my latest bout with writer’s block. But then, out of the blue, I learned about the Cicero’s six (6)… Continue Reading →

Self-care is necessary when caring for others

All too often, people who know and love someone with an addiction spend a ton of energy worrying and trying to help their loved one.  A lot of time, people approach me for treatment advice when they’ve done all they… Continue Reading →

What’s the biggest lie people believe?

The biggest lie sold to humanity is that there’s someone or something coming to save it. There isn’t. The harsh truth is that every single person on the planet must face her own mental landscape on her own terms. No… Continue Reading →

Leadership IS a clinical discipline…

I hold the belief that leadership is as much a clinical discipline as counseling or psychology. Really, leadership takes the evidence of a given domain and then seeks to modify human behavior towards a desired outcome using the domain-specific evidence…. Continue Reading →

Read this to recognize leadership…

What is leadership? Most people can’t describe it, but do know what it is when they see it. I, however, believe in it, almost as fervently as if were a religion. I’ve offered this definition of leadership to whomever asks… Continue Reading →

Want to know what words are? read this…

The thing is, because we learn to speak so young, we tend to forget that words are nothing more than symbols that when strung together in certain ways, provide meaning that allows us to communicate.  The problem, though, is that… Continue Reading →

2 Concepts for Addiction Recovery

In this post, I hope to provide two (2) concepts and then give a bit of context as to why these concepts are critical for recovery from an addiction.  The two concepts are: Psychological Empowerment Locus of Control Psychological Empowerment… Continue Reading →

Humanity is connected by an invisible web

I’ve spent hours watching spiders spin webs, wait, and then blast anything that lands in those webs with a shot of venom.  Maybe I need some hobbies, but spider watching is among the most beautiful sights in nature to me. … Continue Reading →

Tomorrow is the sum result of today's choices

In life, we have two (2) options; either we fight the past, or we make friends with each and every upcoming moment we’re given.  I can’t see any other choices.  If we choose to fight our past and berate ourselves… Continue Reading →

Structure and process are the keys to success

I seem to run into the same wall over and over again: If people (and/or organizations) could just do two (2) things: 1) Structure their activities towards a positive goal; and, 2) Define and follow a process of conducting those… Continue Reading →

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