The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

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Happy Birthday my CJ — Keep on rocking your Bad A self!

In truth, reality doesn’t allow many opportunities to experience real magic. WE all know that, which is why we spend so much time chasing things that, ultimately, are nothing more than artificial mechanisms that do little more than distract us… Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday, my life, my love: Cherelle!!

A name is hardly ever just a name. A rose wouldn’t be as sweet, if known by any other name, of that I am certain. If I spoke of a flizbert and described red petals, thorns, and nectar that fills… Continue Reading →

Can a guitar be gold?

Robert Frost said that nature’s first green is gold. I’ve done all I can to live through what I understand his words to mean. At the beginning of every day, there is magical potential in what the morning can yield…. Continue Reading →

man, am i grateful for my wife!

I know Thanksgiving is supposed to be the grateful holiday, but to me, Valentine’s day is the day through which I can express my deepest gratitude. There is no doubt that my wife is the blessing upon my life that… Continue Reading →

Please keep my wife in your prayers

Watching paramedics take my wife away in an ambulance sucked. The only thing I could think was, “what if they aren’t paramedics but rather aliens?! What are they doing to her in there?” Just kidding. i was actually scared to… Continue Reading →

Is there power in prayer?

Is there power in prayer? Well, if someone were religiously inclined, she would probably say, “of course!” But it’s not that simple to me. I am not religiously inclined. As a matter of fact, I don’t like religion of any… Continue Reading →

To my wife on Mother’s Day…

You know me: I worry. It’s easy for me to get caught up in the fear that comes with being a parent. I obsessively think of all the things that could happen to our Christopher and my stomach will turn… Continue Reading →

A B-day tribute to the best person I know

I write a lot about the ideal person we should all strive to be.  The reason I write about that ideal is that I have the distinct privilege of spending every day of my life with the human ideal —… Continue Reading →

Interpersonal boundaries should be flexible, safe, and connected

I feel the need to make a quick comment on interpersonal boundaries.  What are boundaries?  Boundaries are the limits to behaviors within any given relationship.  For example, a person who has difficulties saying no, even when he needs to say… Continue Reading →

Anger can be managed

Anger and I are old friends.  I remember once I was doing a panel discussion several years ago about what motivates and informs my writing and I answered without even thinking, “Anger.”  At the time, it was a true statement. … Continue Reading →

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