The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Mental Health

I’m an award-winning author, dangit!

I am an award-winning author. At the end of 2016, I won an award for a book I wrote. Pretty cool. It was a dream come true. Sort of. When I was a kid, my favorite book in the world… Continue Reading →

Cannabis business offers economic hope

I had the privilege of attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new cannabis business located deep within Santa Fe’s south-side. Green Fuego is both a cannabis micro-producer and a dispensary. It seeks to be the premier boutique cannabis business in… Continue Reading →

I’ve resigned my position, now what?!

I’ve resigned my position as Chief Information Officer for the NM Regulation and Licensing Department. I have no idea what’s coming next. It’s like I jumped off of the high dive board and am hoping and praying that the pool… Continue Reading →

Bilingual Education should be the norm in Santa Fe

Bilingual education should be so normal in Santa Fe that it shouldn’t be a topic of discussion. Especially in Santa Fe’s hometown newspaper. A recent article indicates a “growing need” for educating Spanish speaking students. But really, bilingual education, especially… Continue Reading →

Hello New Year, goodbye internalized oppressor!

’m not one for New Year’s resolutions, but my goal for this year is to eliminate my own internalized oppressor. We all have an oppressor inside of us. It’s as much a part of our makeup as our hair and… Continue Reading →

How to change someone else…

In my day-to-day life, I have come to see and appreciate that I am an agent of change. Regardless of what hat I wear, I am usually creating or monitoring a plan through which change will occur. It’s not really… Continue Reading →

Can a guitar be gold?

Robert Frost said that nature’s first green is gold. I’ve done all I can to live through what I understand his words to mean. At the beginning of every day, there is magical potential in what the morning can yield…. Continue Reading →

Can work traumatize employees?

Work stresses people. No one would argue with that statement. Deadlines, workload, and workplace relationships can all tax people to their breaking point. The question for me, though, is: Can work traumatize employees? That’s a tough question. While I believe… Continue Reading →

The “why” is always the thing….

When I start something, I simply can’t accept “just because” as a reason for starting it. Always, I need to understand the “why” of an effort. Otherwise, I can’t act in accordance with the core reason for doing anything. For… Continue Reading →

I want to monetize my blog

The time is come to get serious: I want to monetize my blog, Over the years, I’ve been writing about anything I want and it’s been both liberating and fun. Like all hobbies should be, my blog has been… Continue Reading →

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