I am an award-winning author. At the end of 2016, I won an award for a book I wrote. Pretty cool. It was a dream come true. Sort of. When I was a kid, my favorite book in the world… Continue Reading →
I had the privilege of attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new cannabis business located deep within Santa Fe’s south-side. Green Fuego is both a cannabis micro-producer and a dispensary. It seeks to be the premier boutique cannabis business in… Continue Reading →
I’ve resigned my position as Chief Information Officer for the NM Regulation and Licensing Department. I have no idea what’s coming next. It’s like I jumped off of the high dive board and am hoping and praying that the pool… Continue Reading →
Bilingual education should be so normal in Santa Fe that it shouldn’t be a topic of discussion. Especially in Santa Fe’s hometown newspaper. A recent article indicates a “growing need” for educating Spanish speaking students. But really, bilingual education, especially… Continue Reading →
’m not one for New Year’s resolutions, but my goal for this year is to eliminate my own internalized oppressor. We all have an oppressor inside of us. It’s as much a part of our makeup as our hair and… Continue Reading →
In my day-to-day life, I have come to see and appreciate that I am an agent of change. Regardless of what hat I wear, I am usually creating or monitoring a plan through which change will occur. It’s not really… Continue Reading →
Robert Frost said that nature’s first green is gold. I’ve done all I can to live through what I understand his words to mean. At the beginning of every day, there is magical potential in what the morning can yield…. Continue Reading →
Work stresses people. No one would argue with that statement. Deadlines, workload, and workplace relationships can all tax people to their breaking point. The question for me, though, is: Can work traumatize employees? That’s a tough question. While I believe… Continue Reading →
When I start something, I simply can’t accept “just because” as a reason for starting it. Always, I need to understand the “why” of an effort. Otherwise, I can’t act in accordance with the core reason for doing anything. For… Continue Reading →
The time is come to get serious: I want to monetize my blog, jblea1016.com. Over the years, I’ve been writing about anything I want and it’s been both liberating and fun. Like all hobbies should be, my blog has been… Continue Reading →
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