The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Motivation

Day 4 is now complete. Things look good…

After four days on this ninety (90) day goal, I understand a bit better why people don’t start goals: It’s a pain to coninue making progress!  The assignment for day four was to go through a cast of characters that… Continue Reading →

Day 3 is complete…only 87 to go…

Day 3 of my 90 day program was interesting. I realize that the point of writing ten (10) character bios is to have an inventory of characters from which a novelist can draw plot points. But, as I said when… Continue Reading →

Enough is enough: Police brutality must stop!

In participating in a protest honoring someone I’ve known as long as I’ve breathed who was gunned down by what can only be described as a cowardly and overzealous cop, three (3) thoughts occurred to me: 1) that if I… Continue Reading →

There is value in using substances

I was talking with someone the other day about a seventeen (17) year old girl who was using crystal meth. “Her mom and grandpa are on top of her about it, but she just won’t stop,” said the person. I… Continue Reading →

Injustice will not win without a fight

One of the things I’m for which I’m always advocating is the idea of understanding triggers. The method that I teach to understand those triggers is reflective writing. So, I think I need to practice my own teaching. Yesterday, the… Continue Reading →

SMART Goals will help you become successful…

I wanted to provide a graphical depiction of “SMART: goals because goals, whether in subtance abuse treatment or just in life, are critical components of becoming successful at anything.  As a reminder SMART goals are: Specific Measurable: There should be… Continue Reading →

My framework for critical reflection

I value reflective writing very much.  It’s at the heart of everything I teach and learn.  To me, it’s easier to start reflecting from within a role (role-based reflection is at the heart of psychological empowerment) than it is from… Continue Reading →

My model for success in any context

The illustration above is the sum total of my entire philosophy and approach to life.  Regardless of the context in which I find myself, I apply the model that illustrated with usually successful results.  There are no guarantees in life,… Continue Reading →

An Open Letter to a Substance Abuser

Hello. I am a treatment provider.  I’ve seen way too much suffering that resulted from substance abuse and I have no doubt that recovery is valuable and that a life lived through sobriety provides benefits that far outweigh the cloud… Continue Reading →

I think it’s better to write ourselves to the people we want to be

I believe that people were meant to be creative, committed, and independent within their lives.  There’s no doubt in my mind that when people express themselves through some creative means or another and when they are dedicated to something positive,… Continue Reading →

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