The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag New Mexico

The root cause of Northern new Mexico’s drug problems is found in its history

Without any doubt, Northern New Mexico owns the worst reputation for drug-related issues, as Rio Arriba County owns the state’s highest drug related death rate.  The data shows that we, as a community, MUST do something to try and get… Continue Reading →

Satan contracts Coronavirus, places all demonic possessions on hold

Turns out, no one really is immune from Coronavirus, not even spiritual beings. Satan is now among the gazillions who have contracted the novel Coronavirus and Hell is now the spiritual epicenter. Satan, however, is at a loss about how… Continue Reading →

NM’s Opiate problem is a ghost story

I have no doubt that the story of opiate addiction in Northern New Mexico is a ghost story. The ghosts of our ancestors and the ghosts of lost land haunt the region and cast shadows that I believe we either… Continue Reading →

I am the last mestizo

I am the last Mestizo.  Maybe there are other people who understand what it means to be Mestizo, but I wonder where they are?  I don’t hear the ancient alabados anywhere anymore.  No one sings these hymns that allowed a… Continue Reading →

Santa Fe-based Company could be the model that saves SF’s economy!

Study after study places NM in the worst possible categories: Among the worst three in early childhood education; The highest opiod-related deaths in the nation (per capita); Among the poorest measured states in the nation. I, for one, have grown… Continue Reading →

The root cause of Northern New Mexico's Drug and Alcohol Problems

A quick perusal of the NM Department of Health Substance Abuse Epidemiological Profile for New Mexico, 2013 shows that NM: Has an alcohol-related death rate that’s 1.9 times higher than the national average Has the highest drug-overdose rate in the… Continue Reading →

We can and SHOULD give our students a reason to stay in school

I read an article in my hometown newspaper that said something about the mayoral candidates caring about education, even though they don’t have direct authority over the school district.  The person who wrote the article made the comment as though… Continue Reading →

Chicanos are, in fact, human

It can seem strange that I write about addiction and depression; as well as, writing and music and computers.  The thing is that, to me, they’re all part of the same thing: My identity.  This identity of mine is how… Continue Reading →

From us Chicano Kids

In the barrio where I grew up, we called ourselves, Chicanos.  I always believed that was what I was: A Chicano kid.  I had no idea growing up that there isn’t any real such thing as a Chicano.  I came… Continue Reading →

Who will we be when we die? 2CEUs

The scallop shell symbolizes, among other things, those pilgrims who walk the ancient Road to San Tiago in Spain.  There have been literally hundreds of books and movies devoted to pilgrims’ experiences on the Road, which is dedicated to St…. Continue Reading →

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