The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Psychology

We can rid our world of addiction's treachery

Generally, people don’t really make changes in their lives unless the road they’re on is too difficult to walk on anymore. Since there’s no way I can actually walk on someone else’s behalf, all I can do is help someone… Continue Reading →

Creativity gives my life meaning

An interesting question came my way today: What does poetry have to do with recovery? I’ve posted a couple of poems and the reason I did (and probably will again) is that I not only believe in the power of… Continue Reading →

Psychological health is a product of our relationships

In order to understand people, i think it’s important to understand that no single person is EVER purely  a single individual.  To help explain what I mean,  I will co-opt the following, “The individual who is considered in psychological theory,… Continue Reading →

Teaching is the great privilege of my life

Last night, I have a reading in support of my book,  Journey to Aztlan, at a bookstore in Santa Fe called Op Cit.  While I can’t say it was standing room only, I can say that the area set up… Continue Reading →

None but ourselves can free our minds

Bob Marley said it better than I ever could, “Free yourselves from mental slavery/none but ourselves can free our minds.” Now, I have no idea whether or not Mr. Marley studied psychology in a formal context, but I do know… Continue Reading →

Socioeconomic circumstances can be overcome

I know now that there is simply too much to learn in one lifetime.  For every theory that establishes “X,” there is an opposite (if not equal) theory that dismisses “X.” What to do?  For me, focus on a simple… Continue Reading →

Every mind is its own world

One of the real truths that my wife’s grandmother used to profess is that, “Cada cabeza es u mundo.”  Translated, this means that every mind is its own world.  She would usually say this when hearing a story about someone… Continue Reading →

Jesus is my favorite psychologist

I’ve studied and liked tons of psychologists.  Maslow’s triangle of human needs and Jung’s collective unconscious continue to whet my intellectual appetite.  Educational psychologists Piaget and Vygotsky continue to inform my work and open up avenues of exploration.  But, without… Continue Reading →

"Bad" behaviors don't define a person

When it comes to treatment, one of the first exercises I put clients through is to attempt to distinguish between shame and guilt.  It’s critical to me that they dig deep and think about the differences between the two emotions. … Continue Reading →

The responsibility of the writer

I have no doubt that writers all dream of hitting a home run bestseller that assures financial security. I know I do.  But, as I continue on this writing path I started so many years ago, I see that the… Continue Reading →

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