The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Social Sciences

Reminder: Free Continuing Education offered through

I wanted to remind everyone that there are three (3) ways to earn free continuing education credits (CECs) through this 1.  Read any article posted to and answer the following questions (worth 2 CECs per article): About what article or articles… Continue Reading →

Life passes like a blooming rose — here and then gone

There are times when the God will open up His Universe and communicate with me on a visceral level.  His message will rumble through every muscle and organ and bone in my body and I will learn something about His… Continue Reading →

Addiction is the legacy of the Born Immmigrant

To many in the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico, the United State’s enactment of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was nothing more than a fancy smoke and mirrors tactic that allowed the U.S. to steal huge pieces of land… Continue Reading →

Five challenges and options for early recovery

Early recovery is a delicate time; someone in early recovery must go through several biological, social, and psycho-emotional changes that can be difficult to handle.  Below, I’ve listed five (5) common challenges and some options for dealing with them*: Friends… Continue Reading →

Supporting recovery doesn't mean enabling it

I was asked for my opinion on a workplace situation involving someone who abuses alcohol and his supervisor.  It turned out to be pretty clear as to what was going on and it also hammered home, for me anyway, the… Continue Reading →

Am I making a difference?

Our sky here in NM is covered with thick, grey clouds today.  Though the sun should already be lighting up my writing desk, I had to turn on the lights so that I can see clearly. I’m all about clarity;… Continue Reading →

We should look at ourselves objectively and try to improve

Every once in a while, something crosses my path that says exactly what I’m always trying to say.  The Peanuts strip I’ve included in this post ran yesterday and sums up pretty much what I know can work to developing… Continue Reading →

Critical reflection of our roles increases confidence

I truly believe that strong leadership can make or break any situation.  I developed a leadership model, after studying many different approaches to leadership, that I have since used in many different domains.  I call this approach, Contextual Leadership. To… Continue Reading →

The root cause of Northern New Mexico's Drug and Alcohol Problems

A quick perusal of the NM Department of Health Substance Abuse Epidemiological Profile for New Mexico, 2013 shows that NM: Has an alcohol-related death rate that’s 1.9 times higher than the national average Has the highest drug-overdose rate in the… Continue Reading →

The definition of an oppressive leader

Paulo Freire considered education a revolutionary process (Freire, 2002). He said, “The revolution loves and creates life; and in order to create life it may be obliged to prevent some men from circumscribing life.  In addition to the life-death cycle… Continue Reading →

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