The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag socioeconomic circumstances

Education can free us from our anger

For me, education was the both the escape from the internalized pain I developed on the streets and the tools i used to emerge from poverty. Yet, I’m still angry. But, why am I angry, and at who? Who is… Continue Reading →

I promise my community that i will do more as a parent, uncle, and counselor to teach our kids that there is hope

I failed him. No excuse. i’m a substance abuse counselor, licensed to work in schools and I did nothing to prevent his murder. Maybe if I were in the schools I could have reached at least one of the kids… Continue Reading →

therapists need to be aware of their own privilege

A colleague of mine recently asked me how to integrate “privilege awareness” into a discussion regarding how a client may not feel comfortable with a therapist of a different social group. The issue that arose was that therapists tend to… Continue Reading →

Healing suffering is everyone’s responsibility

There’s a societal wall that keeps day to day life functional. On one side of the wall are people who suffer with poverty, illness, addictions and other forms of socio-cultural trauma. On the other side of the wall are those… Continue Reading →

Racial inequality is real, but there is a solution

Systemic racial inequality is real. In looking locally, the City of Santa Fe issued a survey to which mostly anglos who live in the affluent side of town responded. Now, while some have decried the demographics of the responses, they… Continue Reading →

Location AND genetics determine if you develop alcoholism

There seems to be a common perception that there’s reason to argue about “nature vs. nurture.” There isn’t. Neither genetics nor environment play a bigger role in human development. The reality that modern research is presenting is that the argument… Continue Reading →

Santa Fe-based Company could be the model that saves SF’s economy!

Study after study places NM in the worst possible categories: Among the worst three in early childhood education; The highest opiod-related deaths in the nation (per capita); Among the poorest measured states in the nation. I, for one, have grown… Continue Reading →

It's all a matter of persepective

Physics does exactly what I’m seeking to do: Name and manipulate unseen forces. How do these forces work in the physics world? That’s the first question. For example, if I can throw a ball twenty yards, but I want to… Continue Reading →

Social inequalities are no accident

It doesn’t take a lifetime of intense research to see the inequalities in the public school systems that stem from socioeconomic circumstances.  I took a drive one day and just looked around Santa Fe.  First, I drove through the East… Continue Reading →

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