The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Substance dependence

Research shows that stigmatization predicts substance dependence

According to a 2014 study published in the Canadian Journal of Psychology, stigmatization is the key predictor of substance dependence. That is, because people with substance dependence are often seen as morally inferior, they are discriminated against and treated as… Continue Reading →

When it comes to Addiction, doing nothing can kill

Doing nothing is, not only the enemy of healthy change, but it can also kill. We don’t live in a world of neutrality. Nope. Ours is a world of constant evolution and activity. If a rock is well entrenched in… Continue Reading →

Stop wasting time on legislating morality

Once again, the myth that substance abuse is a conscious choice rears its ignorant head. And once again, uninformed people offer “supply-side” solutions to a “demand-side” problem. It can become frustrating to hear, time and again, how people who struggle… Continue Reading →

A summary of the stages of Addiction

One morning as I ran, a caterpillar crossed my path. I noticed it because caterpillars are creepy looking to me. Plus, they’re sluggish and live with the sole purpose of gaining weight and I admit that I’m a bit jealous… Continue Reading →

Like it or not, fighting Addiction is everyone's war

Among the challenges I face in attempting to educate people is their strict adherence to what they think they know. Popular culture provides certain myths that become adopted as though they’re facts – without little reflection or testing about the… Continue Reading →

The six (6) mistakes people make

I haven’t been writing a whole lot this month. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out the source of my latest bout with writer’s block. But then, out of the blue, I learned about the Cicero’s six (6)… Continue Reading →

There is value in using substances

I was talking with someone the other day about a seventeen (17) year old girl who was using crystal meth. “Her mom and grandpa are on top of her about it, but she just won’t stop,” said the person. I… Continue Reading →

Our negative thoughts are our own worst enemy

Life reminds me how we all can feed negative thoughts so much that they fill our souls and then spill out into our words and actions.  We remain fixed in our negative beliefs and continue to defeat our best intentions… Continue Reading →

Can a substance abuser be the scapegoat for a family's dysfunction?

One of the frustrating things about working with substance abuse is a scenario that appears to repeat itself.  There might be different people filling the necessary roles, but certain themes present themselves over and over again. For example, there’s usually… Continue Reading →

Any ideas for treating crystal meth addiction?

I don’t carry around too much fear, but crystal meth does in fact scare me.  The main reason why it gets to me so badly is that I neither understand it, nor do I tend to see it too much…. Continue Reading →

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