The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag suicide

New approach to Addiction treatment, part 2

The sad thing is that, though the Collective Capacity is universal, not everyone accesses, feels, believes, or even wants to partake of what it does.  Because death’s negative energy is prevalent, despair grows within a person and replaces all choices… Continue Reading →

Like it or not, we are all connected

I’ve spent hours watching spiders spin webs, wait, and then blast anything that lands in those webs with a shot of venom.  Maybe I need some hobbies, but spider watching is among the most beautiful sights in nature to me. … Continue Reading →

For a grieving father — 2CEUs

People shuffled around me as I attempted to offer condolences to a man whose committed suicide.  I didn’t know the man; he’s a friend of my wife’s and I had never met him before his son’s funeral.  But in his… Continue Reading →

A Note to a Grieving Father

People shuffled around me as I attempted to offer condolences to a man whose committed suicide.  I didn’t know the man; he’s a friend of my wife’s and I had never met him before his son’s funeral.  But in his… Continue Reading →

Invisible Web (2 CEUs)

I’ve spent hours watching spiders spin webs, wait, and then blast anything that lands in those webs with a shot of venom.  Maybe I need some hobbies, but spider watching is among the most beautiful sights in nature to me. … Continue Reading →

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