The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag treatment

The dangers and risks of alcohol withdrawal

I attended a clinic about alchohl withdrawal and had my eyes opened to the complexities involved.  From personal experience, I knew that alcohol withdrawal was dangerous, but there’s a lot more to it than I realized. The slides are here:Alcohol… Continue Reading →

Any ideas for treating crystal meth addiction?

I don’t carry around too much fear, but crystal meth does in fact scare me.  The main reason why it gets to me so badly is that I neither understand it, nor do I tend to see it too much…. Continue Reading →

Sometimes even the best of us need a break

Sometimes life can be a lot like pushing a giant rock up a steep and slick mountain.  It can appear that we stand face-to-face with the daunting rock in front of our faces and wonder, “Why the hell should I… Continue Reading →

Parental attitudes towards substance use impact teens

The Metlife foundation recently sponsored and released a study about teen’s drug and alcohol abuse patterns.  The key finding in this study is that Hispanic teens are forty precent (40%) more likely to abuse drugs/alcohol than their Caucasian and Black… Continue Reading →

Research shows that Depression and Addiction develop over time

I have to recommend a book called, Human Development: The Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaptation because it is rich with information as to the network, or system, of conditions in which risk and pathologies develop.  It’s a twenty-eight (28)… Continue Reading →

What kind of Hispanic am I anyway?

If you’re squeamish about ethnic/cultural issues: Do not continue reading! Disclaimers out of the way, I am now having a severe identity crisis.  I’ve always believed and cherished my cultural identity, but a recent trip to a grocery store has… Continue Reading →

There's no such thing as being "in denial"

Among my pet peeves about Dr. Phil-esque beliefs around addiction is the concept that someone who’s addicted to something is “in denial” about his or her addiction.  To be “in denial” means that a person is consciously choosing to ignore… Continue Reading →

Life passes like a blooming rose — here and then gone

There are times when the God will open up His Universe and communicate with me on a visceral level.  His message will rumble through every muscle and organ and bone in my body and I will learn something about His… Continue Reading →

Does God play a role in overcoming Depression and/or Addiction?

Before my reading last Tuesday, a woman from Michigan approached me with a copy of Journey to Aztlan in her hand.  She asked if I could sign her book, which I did.  When I handed the book back to her,… Continue Reading →

Marijuana may contribute to later psychotic episodes in adolescents who use it

One risk factor that can predict substance abuse in adolescents is a tolerant attitude about substance use.  Basically, if the adults within an adolescent’s world think it’s ok (or even good) to use illicit substances, then that attitude does indicate… Continue Reading →

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