The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Category creativity

My Creativity Principle and its Perspective on Human Nature

Over the last several years, I’ve been reflecting on what defines human nature. Initially, my thoughts were rooted in the idea that humans are fundamentally driven by two basic needs: the drive to eat and the drive to reproduce. These… Continue Reading →

Discover Jerome Armijo and Jude Tercero’s mastery

Mastery of anything takes time, practice, and most importantly, love. In my opinion, no one can master anything without a deep and loving connection to that when he or she seeks to master. Eddie Van Halen loved the guitar and… Continue Reading →

Santa Fe is dead — thank god for the Guitar Mestizo

I’ve been writing, for years, about things I find interesting. A lot of the time, I write about Santa Fe things: politics, restaurants, politics. But those days are done. Especially the politics part. There isn’t anything good for me within… Continue Reading →

Guitar shop in Denver is far better than political climate in Santa Fe

After spending some time at the Colfax Guitar Shop, it was totally disheartening to read the Santa Fe New Mexican regarding how horrible things are in Santa Fe. Really, between CYFD and late City of Santa Fe audits, it feels… Continue Reading →

Can a guitar be gold?

Robert Frost said that nature’s first green is gold. I’ve done all I can to live through what I understand his words to mean. At the beginning of every day, there is magical potential in what the morning can yield…. Continue Reading →

Building stuff is magical

I can’t help but reminisce about my visit to the Sam Ash music store in Midtown Manhattan. The energy within the store was nothing short of magical. However, nothing in the store jazzed me up more that the repair shop… Continue Reading →

why am i building a new guitar?

The most important question to ask when considering a new project is: Why am I doing this project? I don’t care what kind of project it is, if you don’t know why you’re doing the project, there is no way… Continue Reading →

Building guitars heals anger

When things get bad, and they always do, it’s easy for me to hide in the anger and frustration. It’s even easier for me to use the anger to feed bad juju. But I can’t say that anything good comes… Continue Reading →

Santa Fe-based Company could be the model that saves SF’s economy!

Study after study places NM in the worst possible categories: Among the worst three in early childhood education; The highest opiod-related deaths in the nation (per capita); Among the poorest measured states in the nation. I, for one, have grown… Continue Reading →

NM-Based Outfitter Launching high-grade line of T-Shirts!

I am absolutely THRILLED to invite everyone to the launch of FS2 Supply Co.!  This newly formed outfitter is launching its New Mexico based line of high grade T-Shirts at the Bloody Maria Fiesta hosted by the Cities of Gold… Continue Reading →

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