It may sound kind of strange, but I’ve never bought into the idea that mental health is an “either/or” proposition. I don’t think it’s realistic to suggest that mental health is a goal; to do so would assume that someone… Continue Reading →
The other night, I was talking with someone about her struggles with anxiety. She was telling me that there are days that she can’t sit still for even a minute; her mind races and she has no control over her… Continue Reading →
One day, recently, while leading a writing workshop within an inpatient treatment facility, I heard myself say, “change isn’t easy, but taking the first step towards what you want to become will set you on your way.” I was speaking… Continue Reading →
The sad reality is that, when it comes to behavioral change, no one can save anyone else. There isn’t a big genie riding a cumulus who’s going to wave their magic wand and make life better for anyone. Yet, 12-step… Continue Reading →
Building a healthy life isn’t just about working out or eating right. While both are crucial, if we don’t recognize and share beauty, our souls will starve in darkness. Once that happens, there isn’t a workout or diet plan that… Continue Reading →
While I do think that people are entitled to their opinions and while I respect everyone’s right to express those opinions, I don’t support ignorant beliefs that interfere with people’s health. When I hear people say things like, “Gay people… Continue Reading →
A few nights ago, I saw this spider between my fence and my trash can. It was about 9 PM when I first saw it; when I got home it was about 4 PM. The web hadn’t been there when… Continue Reading →
The more time I spend researching and educating about Addiction, the more I’m beginning to realize that rewriting an identity is the real goal of any effective treatment program. As a matter of fact, rewriting an identity is emerging to… Continue Reading →
In my opinion, we are at a point where how we treat Addiction MUST change. We can no longer pursue means of treating Addiction that reinforce the Addiction identity. What is the Addiction Identity? To me, it’s any personality trait… Continue Reading →
Here’s my pitch: If you buy 49 Tips and Insights for Understanding Addiction, read it, and do as many of the exercises as you can, you will be both prepared to handle Addiction and be much more inoculated from Addiction’s… Continue Reading →
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