I’m not the best salesman in the world, but I do consider myself a good writer and even better teacher (plus I have really strong evaluations to support my consideration).  Among the great joys of my life is presenting information so that clinicians can the use it to create applicable knowledge in their practices.  To that end, I am thrilled to be presenting a workshop entitled, “Leadership Psychology and how it can eradicate substance abuse” on June 25th.  The purpose of this course is to teach participants how to weave Leadership Psychology into their treatment of substance abuse so that they can both become better leaders and teach their clients to do the same.

I strongly believe that building leaders is part of any educator’s mission because all people lead lives; how they do so depends upon whether they believe that they make things happen or they believe that things happen to them.  Leadership Psychology provides a nice framework through which we can determine OUR OWN beliefs about how well we lead. When it comes to substance abuse, though, we also need to understand how much people ARE LED by substances.  Therefore, in this workshop we will cover:

  • The Psychology of Recovery – as a prerequisite for this section, participants will receive access to an online “quiz” that covers critical information from 49 Tips and Insights for Understanding Addiction.  We will review the quiz as part of this topic.
  • Leadership Theories and Practices – here, we will discuss leadership methods and how some work better in certain circumstances, while others work in others.
  • Roles and how they should be approached – Identity theory provides rich material for understanding the roles we fill and how building healthy roles is a better approach than trying to directly reduce substance use.
  • Critical Pedagogy – This section will present tools for developing critical awareness of the “water in which we swim” and an understanding of how much power differentials become internalized.

This course is approved for six (6) hours of ethics and diversity (the online quiz serves as a 3-hour prerequisite) and costs $80.00.  I AM CERTAIN that participants will find return on the investment will be quite high – we will all leave with a FAR BETTER understanding of how leadership really can eradicate substance abuse.

To review:

Name of course: Leadership Psychology and how it can eradicate substance abuse

When: June 25th, 2016 9am – 12pm

Where: Nava Ade clubhouse, 4460 Dancing Ground Rd., Santa Fe, NM 87505

Cost: $80.00 (includes copy of 49 Tips and Insights for Understanding Addiction, enrollment in online quiz and other course materials, PLUS six (6) hours of Ethics or Diversity CEUS)

If you have any questions, or if you’d like to register, please email me at jblea1016@hotmail.com.  Space is WAY limited, so please reserve your spot soon!