Like most people nowadays, I find myself in the middle of a hundred storms, all raging at once. It would have been nice if any single storm happened on its own, but that’s just not the way cards are dealt sometimes. I’ve noticed that I’ve had heartburn a lot more than usual, these days, and when I think of all the insanity around me, it’s really no surprise.
Yet, miracles happen. And really, maybe they’re only miracles to me. Doesn’t matter though: the miracles I experience comfort me and somehow seem to say, “everything is ok, just as it is.”
One evening, my wife and I were delivering something, or picking something up, or some other mundane task that is our lot in life to complete. I don’t remember the exact task we were completing or about to complete nor do I remember what we were discussing. However, I do remember something just within my peripheral vision grabbing my attention: A falcon sitting on top of a wooden fence post.
While it may not seem like a big deal to some people, seeing the falcon was a sign to me that things are going to be all right, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now. See, when I was growing up, my dad used to point out hawks and falcons and I guess I developed an interest in raptors. When I see one, I grab my camera and shoot as many pics as I can before I scare them away.
Falcons are especially skittish and and scare easily. However, this particular falcon on this particular fence post let me get within a few yards, even though it looked directly at me. While I did shoot some pics, when I was quite close I looked at the falcon right in the eyes and felt a warm familiarity. Although I’m stressed out these days, in that moment, the world was perfectly at peace. Maybe it was just a falcon on a fence post, but in that moment, I experienced pure love. I couldn’t help but shake my head and say out loud, “Thanks, dad.”
My dad passed away almost two years ago, but since he crossed to the other side, he’s let me know that he’s still watching over me. Experiencing pure love in the eyes of a falcon was a miracle, to me, and even though the storms still rage, they simply don’t matter as much because I’m certain that they’ll pass and the miracles I’m blessed to experience will guide me through them.