The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag God

A new approach to Addiction treatment, wrap-up

In my opinion, people want to be accepted and loved despite being flawed.  Whatever a given person perceives those flaws to be, to me, that’s THE basic human desire.   To try to explain, let’s look at someone I’ll call, “Joe.” … Continue Reading →

A new approach to Addiction treatment, wrap-up

In my opinion, people want to be accepted and loved despite being flawed.  Whatever a given person perceives those flaws to be, to me, that’s THE basic human desire.   To try to explain, let’s look at someone I’ll call, “Joe.” … Continue Reading →

New approach to Addiction treatment, part 3

This is the framework, then, from which I treat a person.  Most treatment models require two things: 1) that an addict sees the consequences of their actions; and, 2) that the interventionist breaks through the denials that the addict has… Continue Reading →

Thank God for my Dream-maker

Really, God wants our dreams to come true.  The however is that, like me, people are too dumb to listen to what God says.  God, in his infinite power and wisdom, knew that with the fall from grace, humanity would… Continue Reading →

Thoughts of addiction from those with addictions

I wanted to share three (3) quotes from journal entries that clients within an inpatient treatment facility have shared with m.  I believe that these entires may be able to provide clues and ideas to carry forward into other aspects… Continue Reading →

Maybe God was lonely?

I think that God must’ve been a lonely or bored energy being.  Why else would he/she decide to go off creating everything we know?  What, exactly was the motivation for creating something as complex as life as we know it? … Continue Reading →

Letting go may be unnecessary

It’s been thirty-one (31) years since my grandmother passed away.  When I think of her, I still become choked up and how much my family and I lost with her passing.  She was my family’s cornerstone and when cancer took… Continue Reading →

Does sobriety even have value?

Does sobriety have value?  The question seems silly and its response seems obvious:  OF COURSE!  But, if you really look what sobriety means for some people, the answer becomes a bit harder to give.  There are those whose lives burdened… Continue Reading →

What is "The Addict?"

I believe that it is now becoming common knowledge that Addiction is a treatable disease that follows a predictable progression.  That progression, if untreated, will be terminal.  Though there may be some pockets of people who disagree with the disease… Continue Reading →

Be empowered…life's better that way — 2CEUs

I am compelled to present two concepts that speak to the heart of what I believe: (1) psychological empowerment; and (2) locus of control. According to Spreitzer (1995), Psychological Empowerment is the unbreakable set of four beliefs: (1) Meaning, which… Continue Reading →

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