Ok, so I have the book that I’ve always wanted to promote ready for the streets. The promotion begins. To prepare, I always start with a “curriculum” of what it is I want to discuss during readings, presentations, and workshop… Continue Reading →
According to a new poll conducted by Research and Polling Inc., 61% OF New Mexicans support legalizing, taxing, and regulating marijuana to adults 21 and over. The Drug Policy Alliance sponsored both the poll and a news conference at the… Continue Reading →
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 28, 2016. Denver, CO and Santa Fe, NM – Outskirts Press, Inc. has published 49 Tips & Insights for Understanding Addiction by Juan Blea, MA, LADC, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The… Continue Reading →
eight to five frames those hours that are barbed-wire fences that enclose and bind. weeds cover and invade once fertile corners of our minds. and — for sale signs hang around necks we are corporate whores sold to mediocre bidders… Continue Reading →
In life, we have two (2) options; either we fight the past, or we make friends with each and every upcoming moment we’re given. I can’t see any other choices. If we choose to fight our past and berate ourselves… Continue Reading →
Doing nothing is, not only the enemy of healthy change, but it can also kill. We don’t live in a world of neutrality. Nope. Ours is a world of constant evolution and activity. If a rock is well entrenched in… Continue Reading →
Once again, the myth that substance abuse is a conscious choice rears its ignorant head. And once again, uninformed people offer “supply-side” solutions to a “demand-side” problem. It can become frustrating to hear, time and again, how people who struggle… Continue Reading →
I started blogging about a little over a year ago with the intention of providing free continuing education (CE) to therapists, counselors, and social workers. And, while very few have actually taken up my offer of free CE, my blog… Continue Reading →
Jesus and Buddha are in Heaven/Nirvana looking down on their respective followers, shaking their heads. Jesus says to the Buddha, “Buddha, look at them, is that what you meant?” Buddha studies his followers across the Earth then he studies Jesus’… Continue Reading →
Maybe there are no new frontiers. Man can fly over every inch of land and he can build machines to scan every inch of the oceans. Telescopes can probe into the farthest reaches of space and nearly everything on earth… Continue Reading →
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